Everything You Need To Know About Thai dating
Dating traditions and rules vary from one country to another, so naturally such a sophisticated culture as a Thai one has its own unique wooing and dating traditions. Therefore, if you want to find out how to conquer a gorgeous Thai girl’s heart, this article is for you.
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Men are expected to make the first move
In many cultures all over the world, men are expected to make the first move. In fact, even in Western countries, women are less likely to approach a man first. However, if Western women will most likely start a conversation with a man they like, Thai girls will wait for the man to approach them first. So if you really like a girl from Thailand, don’t wait for her to make the first move because, like the average bride from Vietnam or Asian woman overall, she will not do that. Therefore, you need to get the courage to approach or text her first.

Long wooing
Thai people appreciate patience in everything and, obviously, dating is not an exception. Thus, dating a Thai girl is not going to be passionate, unpredictable, and fast-moving. In fact, Thai ladies love long wooing, so you have to be really patient and determined if you want this woman to be yours. For instance, if in Western culture, a third date is when you can expect to have sex with a woman, on your third date with a Thai girl you can only count on a kiss on the cheek. Of course, the amount of time you will have to woo such a woman depends on a particular girl and, certainly, there are girls who do not make their boyfriends wait that long. However, if you are dating a girl from a good family and planning to find a Thai wife, you will have to wait for a while before your relationship becomes more serious.

Public display of affection is frowned upon in Thailand. Though you may see couples hugging, kissing, and holding hands in public, a girl from a good family most likely would not do that. Of course, Thailand is not a country where you can get arrested for hugging your girlfriend in public. But due to the Thai dating culture peculiarities, she probably wouldn’t be happy if you try to kiss or hug her in the street or in any other public place. So save that for the moment you are alone with your Thai girlfriend.
Non-verbal communication and body language
As we have already mentioned above, Thai dating is super calm and peaceful, which is why non-verbal communication and body language plays a huge role. As a matter of fact, many Thai beauties are pretty skillful body language decoders. These women will immediately recognize whether you like the date or you want it to end as soon as possible. Besides, these girls can also figure out whether you are genuinely interested in them or just pretend to like them. So you better watch your body language on a date with a Thai woman if you really want her to like you.
Respect for culture and traditions
Luckily, Thai people have already given up the arranged marriage tradition and sometimes even skip rituals of traditional Thai wedding. Moreover, modern Thais do not even need their parents’ official permission to marry this or that person. At the same time, many Thai women still respect their traditions and usually do not marry men who aren’t approved by their families. So that means that you have to do your best to make your girlfriend’s parents like you if you are planning on marrying her. In addition to that, you have to learn at least some basics of Thai culture and show your respect for your girlfriend’s traditions.
Read more — How Much Does A Thai Bride Cost: Visas, Travel Fees, And Dating
Final thoughts
Even though we live in the era of globalization when the majority of cultures share the same values, some aspects of our lives can drastically differ from one culture to another. Certainly, dating is one of those aspects and if you want to date a foreign woman, you have to study her dating culture first. Therefore, Thai dating culture is pretty unusual for Western people and you are definitely going to be surprised by some traditions. So if you are dreaming of a sophisticated Thai beauty, learn these Thai dating peculiarities, sign up on a dating platform, and meet your love today.